This unit is going to introduce us to the 16th Century where we will be studying in depth of the particular time of Queen Elizabeth 1st reign. We will be looking into the make up and hair of the Elizabethan times while bringing our own diverse interpretation of the Elizabethans to create a new overall look. Background research has to be based on the era and finding out there unique look of the 16th century and the different classes.
Who am I and what's my previous experience-
My name is Jasmine Antonia Collins and Iv'e started this blog to document all my work, ideas and development for make up and hair design; The New Elizabethans. Iv'e always had a real passion for make up ever since I was young and Iv'e always loved doing my own make up and experimenting with new styles and products. When doing other peoples make up I always get a joy out of making them feel happy about the way they look and making them feel beautiful. When finishing college in 2014 I left with qualifications that helped me progress onto now studying at Southampton Solent University Make up and hair design. The courses I studied at college was level 3 and diploma for Media make up and hair, A level photography, Art, Craft and design and also NCFE Textiles and drawing and painting. Doing all creative subject helped me develop my make up skills through art and textiles this gave me a basic knowledge of the expectation of work and artistic skills. During studying at Swindon New College I completed work experience between the make up counters of Estee Lauder and Benefit. This really helped me expand my product knowledge and also talking to a variety of customers and applying make up. I felt this really developed my confidence in talking to people about products and there needs.
What do I know about the Elizabethan era?-
When hearing about our topic brief and that it was the Elizabethan era I was excited to explore different aspects of a different century. Queen Elizabeth was a very powerful figure and her fashion and make up style influenced and impacted society a lot in the 16th century and still in fashion today. When it comes to the history of the 16th century I can honestly say that I don't know too much about the era or what was going on in Europe during that period. I've already started researching events, style, make up and who was around in that era and I'm finding it very interesting to learn about our fashion history and there role models. I'm extremely looking forward to research and find out the products and what they had to use in the 1500's to look the way they did and the difference between what they had to use on there skin compared to now. I'm looking forward to starting our practical lessons where we will start to create make up looks on each other influenced by the Elizabethan style and fashion era. I think my fears of this project is that I wont grasp the aspects of the era entirely or that because the fashion style is such a long time ago I feel that finding research and in depth explanations of the style or make up will be hard source.
photograph source: http://englishhistory.net/tudor/beeslychaptertwo.html
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