In our recent make up lesson it was my turn to study the design that my assessment partner has created for me on the day of the assessment. We can both create our designs and we were aloud to swap over beforehand so we could practise on each other. In today's seminar Beth brought along her design that she drew with make up of what she wanted me to create on her for the final assessment. She had a full chart and a little bit of information at the side highlighting the use of colours and where abouts.
As Beths design had blocked out eyebrows in this design I started with trying to make them disappear. I placed a scent free, sensitive bar of soap in a bowl full of warm water. I then used a spatula to scrap off some of the soap and then I placed it onto the eyebrow, I then used my finger to flatten the eyebrow hairs down and blend it away to the skin. As Beth has a dark complexion and dark eye brows I needed to use a colour that would get rid of the colour of her eyebrows and then place her natural colour on top. I used the derma colour camouflage palette colour D1 which is a pale yellow and D32 which is like a reddish skin tone. I applied this onto the soap once it was dry and blended the concealer in. I then needed to apply concealer to the rest of her face so I applied colour D13 to the rest of the face and then used my brush to dab her real colour on top. I didnt blend it in as then it would just start mixing all the colours round and I wanted it to sit on top to block the natural colour. I then slightly powdered the brows to let them set just before I applied the foundation.

For the foundation we kept the same idea from the experimental design which was mix her foundation with gold. I used Beth's own Mary Kay foundation with a mix of Charles Fox Supra colour on the back of the hand and applied to the whole of the face. I then used a dab of white powder over the foundation just to get away the greasy look to the skin. I then started with the contouring of the face with red from the Charles Fox blusher palette and Yellow from the Viva brilliant colour Medley palette. I the applied the red to under the cheek bone and up the sides of the temples to highlight the cheek bones and the yellow from the corner of the eye to the centre of the eye lid and up to the eyebrow. The eyelashes again were white like the previous design we created, this was done by the white supra paint and a mascara wand. I started from the roots of the lashes and worked my way up to get thickness and length. For the lips the design showed a yellow/gold colour blended into red in the middle. I started with a mix of the yellow supra colour and the gold and applied it to the whole of the lips, I then applied the red supra colour to the middle of the lips.
We studied the design slightly and asked our lecturer ,Kat, if we could get feedback on the design for Beths design behalf and also on the application for mine. Kat asked us how we felt about the lips and we thought it was a little to bright for the design. Kat agreed and told us she thought they were a little to contemporary and modern for the make up we were creating and told us to experiment with the colours on the lips as she thought we could create something better. When she gave us the feedback she said how she loved the yellow and red contouring against the gold skin tone and how I could probably apply the colour a little heavier as It works really well with the skin tone. I then applied more red Blush around the cheek bones and a little more yellow over the eyelids. I decided to take of the lip stick and try out a different colour like Kat suggested to see if it worked better with the make up design. I then started applying a red lipstick to the lips this was the colour LC008 from the Charles Fox Rouge mini palette, I think this colour looked nice and I really like it and it suited the theme of Elizabethans better however I thought it looked a little plain for the make up. We then thought about doing the reverse of the previous colour and applying gold to the middle of the lips instead, this came out really good and I was very pleased with the outcome after we played around with the colour. I think the colours are very complimenting to each other and look beautiful against the golden skin tone. I'm really happy with this make up and feel confident to re create it. Beth was very happy with the outcome of her design and thought her design changed for the better.
Another piece of feedback I was given was when blocking out the eyebrows to make sure I comb all the eyebrows hairs upwards this will make them thinner and easier the block out as they will be scraped up and flat the the surface of the face. Kat said this would improve my eyebrows and make them blend in with the skin more and not stand out on the face.
Overall I'm very happy with this design and I think after the experimentation the design finally pulled together and looks very contemporary Elizabethan.
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