Thursday, 27 November 2014

My Partner Creating my Make up Design

I my recent make up studio session it was my partners turn to practise my design that I've created.Since the last time I worked on my design, we blended to ideas into one and created a completely new design. I changed the colour theme and also the lips for it to fit into the category of Elizabethan better as we need to contain historical and contemporary elements. We explored different ideas and experimented with different techniques on the face to create the final look.

Firstly my partner, Beth started with creating a very pale base which was very popular in the 16th century especially the extremely powered look. We wanted to slightly warm the skin up so it was pale but had a glow to it, so we used a gold paint over the face to warm the complexion up. Then she set the make up with a white translusent powder to give that powdered Elizabethan look. 

Next was the blush, we used the traditional red on the cheek however the application was modern, we contoured the cheeks under the apple and up the sides of the face to define the edge of the face. Next was the brows and lips, in the Elizabethan era is was known to either have very fair eyebrows and lashes or none at all, in this design we've painted the brows and lashes white to lighten them in a contemporary way. She used a disposable mascara wand and white paint to create the lashes and a small brush, white paint and a brow comb to create the brows. For the lip application we changed the design from the previous design I had a before it was very contemporary, shape line and in the centre however this time we wanted to go a little more traditional Elizabethan with the lips and dap a little red over the lips to warm the up a little bit. This application was light and no to heavy on the lips as we wanted to keep it simple.   

Here was the final look of my design
Make up designer- Me
Make up Artist- Beth

We then showed our lecturer our make up design and asked her if there was anything we could improve on or change. She wasn't pleased with the eyebrows as she said up close they looked a little messy, on the day we will be photography the make up from all angles and Beth forgot to go over the ears and further down the neck area so it all blends. She said we could buff the make up in more just to make sure every things blended and worked into the face instead of sat on top. We took all this advise on board and went back over to over make up stations to improve the look. 

This was the final look after we adjusted it. Beth worked the make up over my ears and all the way down my neck so it completely blended with the face. She neatened up the eyebrows by brushing through the brows more, neatening up the edges and powdering on top.
 She also used a blending brush and worked the make up into the face more. 

Once the adjustments were done I was very happy and pleased with the make up. Beth did a good job a creating my design as this is the first time she's fully created the make up without any adjustments. We have another session before the timed assessment for Beth to work on this design and get it completely right the first time. Overall I'm very happy and pleased with what Beth achieved today and its what I wanted my make up to look like, there is only minor things Beth can work on however we do have another session to practise this again before the real assessment in this time Beth could easy improve the minor things like the blending and the brows in this space of time. 

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