My Assessment Partner Working and Experimenting with my Design
I gave this face chart on the right to my assessment partner as on the day of our
assessment I will give her my make up design and she will have to create that allocated look on me. This designed was based around the colour purple, I chose the colour purple because I think that colour represents royalty and the colour appeared in the film Elizabeth 1: Golden Age near to the end of the film Queen Elizabeth 1 wore a deep purple dress. I wanted the make up to look simple however strong and it to be my modern interpretation of the Elizabethan era through make up, techniques and colour.

My partner Beth started off with creating the design I gave her, this was the first time she's worked on my face, so this was for her to get familiar to applying make up on me ready for the assessment. She started off with applying soap and warm water to the eyebrows this was to set them flat and harder so later on she could apply white to the brows, it was basically just a bar of soap a small piece from it and brushed through the eyebrows and pressed down flat ready to set. Next she applied the foundation which was a mix of the ultra colour 8 palette foundation, a mix of FS38 and Alabaster. And then a mix of Illamasqua white skin base foundation, this just made the face slightly paler without dramatically making it white. Over the top we powdered it with Illamasqua loose powder just to set the make up. We then started with the contouring of the cheeks, this was done with Charles Fox Lavender colour. This was applied under the cheek bones slightly up the sides of the temples and blended around the nose and onto the eyelids just to give the face some colour and definition. On the make up face chart I didn't include the nose contour we just experimented with that idea as Beth thought it might look good and I agreed as I liked the shading around the nose. For the eye lashes she used a mascara wand with the white Charles Fox supra colour, this was to make the eye lashes completely white. We then back to the eyebrows which were now set and hard and brushed over the top in them with the white supra colour to make the brows completely white. For the lips we used a small, thin angled brush the paint just the middle of the lips this was done with the purple colour from the Charles Fox supra colour palette which gave a shiny wet look to it.
I really like this design and I think it gave out really well in comparison to my design that I drew. I think it could be worked on slightly and maybe play around with the colours to see what else works. I think this design contains contemporary Elizabethan features and also historical such as the light eye lashes, pale skin and blocked out/ fair eyebrows, the contouring and use of colour is very modern and the lips is a modern interpretation of royal 16th century lips. I think Beth did a very good job at creating my design on me and I think the outcome looked good. I like how the deep eyes make the white skin and brows stand out more and the lips take attention. I think the lips are quite striking and I think it could use some work to them.
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